Thursday 25 August 2016

The Graces by Laure Eve

Everyone said the Graces were witches.
They moved through the corridors like sleek fish, ripples in their wake. Stares followed their backs and their hair.
They had friends, but they were just distractions. They were waiting for someone different.
All I had to do was show them that person was me.

Published by Faber and Faber in September 2016
Pages - 432
Like everyone else in her town, River is obsessed with the Graces, attracted by their glamour and apparent ability to weave magic. But are they really what they seem? And are they more dangerous than they let on?
This book is like a amalgamation of all my favourite witch novels, films and shows! The story keeps you glued to your seat from the first page and you are instantly caught up in River's obsession with the mysterious Grace family. 
I loved River. I loved how she was determined to be friendly with the Graces. Be prepared for a heart ripping twist. Fenrin & River nearly broke me! I really didn't see that coming.
I really enjoyed the mystery surrounding The Graces. For some reason it made me think of The Great Gatsby. The Graces have that enigmatic air, similar to the Gatsbys. 
I heard a rumour there might be a sequel. I really truly hope so, because I need to find out what happens next. 
There is darkness, there is serious witchery and there is love. 
If you loved When We Were Liars by E. Lockhart, you will love this. An abundance of wicked witchery! Bursting with everything I love about witch craft!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to read this book. It sounds more and more amazing. Hurry up with my pre-order already. Great review x


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