Friday 27 April 2012

Non Fiction Friday - Write A Great Synopsis - An Expert Guide

I have been meaning to start up a post like this for ages. I do like to read the occasional non fiction book and I wanted to try and feature them more on my blog. I used to love doing Trish's Non Fiction Five Challenge which  really got me reading books out of my comfort zone. So I wanted somewhere to share the non fiction books I have read either for research purposes or pleasure. This isn't a post that will occur every Friday, just on occasion when I read  a book I want to share
Published by Crabbit Publishing on 17th January 2012
Book purchased by myself.
Kindle edition.

The function of the synopsis is not to make people cry or laugh or be as terrified as a terrified thing. It is to show the decision-makers that you do actually have a book that hangs together and doesn't just get off on a stunning start and an amazing concept; and to show what sort of book it is. A good synopsis shows that your book works, from beginning to end. 
Goodreads Summary
Most writers hate writing synopses. They need dread them no more. In this short ebook, Write a Great Synopsis – An Expert Guide, Nicola Morgan takes the stress out of the subject and applies calm, systematic guidance, with her renowned no-nonsense approach and laconic style. 
Write a Great Synopsis covers: the function of a synopsis, the differences between outlines and synopses, dealing with requirements for different agents and publishers, finding the heart of your book, how to tackle non-linear plots, multiples themes, sub-plots and long novels, and it answers all the questions and confusions that writers have. Nicola also introduces readers to her patent Crappy Memory Tool, explains the art of crafting a 25-word pitch, and demonstrates with real examples. Gold-dust for writers at all stages.
Well if I am reading this type of book, then it is clearly obvious that I have reached the stage of sending my finished manuscript off; which I did. However I couldn't send it off without writing the dreaded synopsis. I was so against writing this, I put it off for three whole weeks! I feared writing my synopsis more than have all my teeth extracted without anaesthetic! Seriously I couldn't think of anything worse. 

Everything I read about writing a synopsis left me confused. Luckily my wonderful Twitter friends were on hand with some friendly advice and they gently nudged me in the direction of Nicola Morgan's book, Write a Great Synopsis, and oh my, what a God send it was. 

From the first page, I fell in love with her writing style. I felt like I was in the company of a master craftsman who knew exactly how to slash word counts to create a concise writing companion without losing any of her humour. I found myself giggling all the way through and watched my fear fly out of the window. It wouldn't have been any easier if the author herself had held my hand through the process. This book is THAT GOOD!

The ideas are extremely organised; the instructions are easy to follow, with plenty of examples to show you what not to do. As the book is a Kindle edition, it had direct links to posts featured on the author's website, giving me even more useful information.  I actually came away feeling strong enough to take on the mighty synopsis and within a day of reading it, I had written my first very own synopsis.  I could almost see Nicola Morgan cheering with a glass of champagne in one hand and a pompom in the other as I pressed send on my PC, crossing that finishing line and fondly watching my brave little synopsis take on the world. 

This book is a must have accessory for any writer's bookshelf. An excellent resource designed to make the writer's life easier. 


  1. First of all congratulations on sending off your manuscript!! I'm so happy for you and I keep my fingers crossed for a positive reply :)

    This book sounds like a great resource, even for me who isn't a writer. I like to write my own synopsis for my book reviews and this book might just help me make them better.

    1. Mari, I hadn't thought of it like that. I actually stopped writing my own synopses but I can see how this book would definitely help.

  2. Vivienne, what a gorgeous review! Thank you! You had me giggling yourself. I like to imagine myself holding people's hands and also cheering them on with champagne at the end. As long as I can drink the champagne, of course...

    Thanks so much for going to the trouble of writing this review.

    1. Thank you for writing such a clear and concise book that really helped me. I couldn't have done it without your help. Everyone should read this book before tackling their synopsis.

  3. Just stopping by to say Hi, and hope that all has been well with you and your family Viv.

    1. Hi Diane, lovely to hear from you. I don't see so many of the old crowd these days. I hope you are well too.

  4. Thanks for this, Viv! I've made a note of it in case I ever get around to finishing that NanoWriMo project!

    1. Hehehe - do I need to get my whip out and bully you into it?

  5. Ooooh, I love seeing Non-Fiction love. :) The NFF challenge was always one of my favorites as well and I tend to make it a personal challenge when someone says they hate non-fiction.

    And congrats on your first synopsis! Definitely reason for some champagne. ;)

    1. Thanks for the idea in the first place. I miss your NFF challenge. It really did change the way I read! Thanks for the congrats too!

  6. {new follower here}

    That is some really good information. Thank you for sharing.


    1. Hiya,

      Always lovely to see a new follower. It is a brilliant book.

  7. How exciting, hoping all goes well. Do let us know what happens.

    1. Probably not a lot. But thank you for wanting to know.

  8. Well done on sending out your manuscript, I cannot wait to see it in print and I know I will. Great review and good luck x

  9. Exciting news about your manuscript! This book does sound like it would help a great deal, to both ease your fears and guide you. Terrific review!

  10. Great review, I'll definitely be getting this when I get to the synopsis stage. And congratulations on getting your synopsis done and your manuscript sent!

  11. That is the feeling one should have after finishing a book :D i am glad this saved you and you could write that synopsis


Hiya, thanks for stopping by, it is always nice to hear what you have to say, so do leave a comment if you have time.